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Bible reference:
Revelation 20:13
“…and all were judged according to what they had done”.
One day we will be entering the courts of the Lord for judgment day. I will throw myself on the mercy of God because nothing I have done, even if I think it is good, will be enough to earn me a place in heaven. Indeed we can never “earn” a place in the Kingdom of Heaven. In the end, it is all about God’s great love for us and his mercy. Our time on earth is finite … it will definitely come to an end at some time. The question is, what will it be like to be walking to the place where Judgment will be made on us and our lives. If my life needs a change of direction, now is the time.
Dear Lord, I know that my life falls very short of Your expectation of what I could have become if I had listened to You and followed Your ways earlier in my life. But nothing is impossible with You, or for You. You can do all things. I pray that from now on you will direct me in Your ways and lead me in Your paths so that, when I come to my own Judgment Day You may, in Your mercy and love, give me a place in Your kingdom of heaven. Amen.
Details of painting: Oil on canvas 16” x 20” (2013)
Return: Home Paintings Gallery
Themes: Second coming of Christ