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Painting Themes
Theme: God the Father
Theme: God the Son
Theme: God the Holy Spirit
Theme: Praising
Theme: Thanking
Theme: Saying sorry
Theme: Asking
Theme: Being loved by God
Theme: Listening
Theme: Christmas
Theme: Lent
Theme: Easter
Theme: Pentecost
Theme: Second coming of Christ
Theme: Mary
Theme: Angels
Theme: Service and mission to others
Theme: Natural world
Individual Paintings
A pure heart create for me O God!
All Saints!
All nations shall fall prostrate before you O Lord
And He was called Jesus
And I, when I am lifted up
Angel (2009)
Angel (2016)
Angel of God
Angels of God surround us
Be still before the Lord
Breathe on me breath of God
Bright angel of God!
Bring my sons from far away and my daughters from the end of the earth
By your cross and resurrection
Choirs of Angels
Come to me all you who are overburdened
Come to the table of the Lord
Come, Holy Spirit!
Crucified feet of Jesus
Dawn on snow – how beautiful are your works O Lord!
Death, and Life...
Do not be afraid!
Do not let your hand be closed!
Easter Joy!
Emmanuel, God is with us
Entering the Courts of the Lord
Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters
From His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace
Glorious Risen Christ
God’s glory at dawn!
Going Forth
Good Friday
Guardian Angel with sleeping child
Hail Mary!
He heals the broken-hearted
Heart of Mary
Holy Child Jesus
Holy Communion
I am the light of the world
I am with you always
I love you Lord (1)
I love you Lord (2)
I sing praises to your name
I, the Lord of sea and sky
Jesus is alive!
Jesus, Hope of the World
Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Son of God
Let your light shine!
Lift up your hearts to the Lord!
Light in our darkness
Light of the World (2020)
Light of the World
Lord, You have been our refuge
Lord, save me!
Loved by God!
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us (2009)
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us (2012)
Mary, Queen of Heaven
May your love be upon us O Lord!
Out of the depths
Peace on earth (2)
Peace on earth!
Pour over me!
Praise the Lord all you nations!
Rain clouds
Revive, Refresh, Renew!
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saviour, save me!
Second Coming of Christ
Son of the Most High
Suffering Christ
Sunrise on fields
The Annunciation
The Assumption of Mary into heaven
The Mysteries of the Rosary
The Prodigal Son
The birth of Jesus
The conversation
Three Angels
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man
Virgin and Child
Welcome home!
Yet another will write on the hand “The Lord’s”
You show me the path of life
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
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