Welcome to art4prayer, a Christian website praising and worshipping God through paintings, prayers and reflections.

Holy Child Jesus

Prayer is about spending time with God.  God is our loving and merciful Father.  He loves each one of us and knows us by name.  In prayer we can come before Him as His children, knowing that we are loved.  Thank you, loving Father.

Jesus’ followers asked Him how to pray and He taught them the prayer known as the "Our Father" or "The Lord's Prayer".   The Christian church teaches and prays many prayers – prayers of worship, praise and thanksgiving, prayers asking God for His mercy and forgiveness and prayers of petition.    (Click here for the Our Father and some other prayers.)  

In 1999 Saint Pope John Paul II wrote a Letter to Artists (4th April 1999) on the “Place and Significance of Art” in today’s world ( https://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/letters/1999/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_23041999_artists.html ) and his letter has encouraged me to share my paintings with others.  The primary purpose of these paintings is that of a personal prayer to God.  I find inspiration in the Bible, prayers, worship songs and other Christian sources and in the beauty of nature itself.   (Click here for more information about the Bible).

My hope is that God will bless you as you look through this website and that you will find your own prayers to God.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and may He shine His face on you and grant you peace. Amen.



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